SFL - Salmon Farm LLC
SFL stands for Salmon Farm LLC
Here you will find, what does SFL stand for in Food under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Salmon Farm LLC? Salmon Farm LLC can be abbreviated as SFL What does SFL stand for? SFL stands for Salmon Farm LLC. What does Salmon Farm LLC mean?The based company is located in engaged in food production industry.
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Alternative definitions of SFL
- South Florida
- Scottish Football League
- Suburban Friendship League
- Ski for Light
- Space Flight Laboratory
- S/MIME Freeware Library
- Skarred For Life
- Sao Filipe, Cape Verde Islands
View 196 other definitions of SFL on the main acronym page
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- STPA Spencer Theater for the Performing Arts
- SIDM Society to Improve Diagnosis in Medicine
- SEI Sequoyah Enterprises Inc
- SOIL Southerns Office Interiors Ltd
- SEL Stephenson Equipment Ltd
- SKSTMN St. Kitts Sea Turtle Monitoring Network
- SSS Sure Secure Solutions
- SH The Sofia Hotel
- SEWM Skyline Exhibits West Michigan
- SII Safe Ira Investments
- SBFD Sam Bass Fire Department
- SFL Saint Flooring Limited
- SIP Somer Industrial Projects
- SAE Shanghai Air Express
- SHV Smoky Hill Vineyard
- SRG Sustainable Restaurant Group
- STAU State Tax Administration of Ukraine